

According to the ever-so-reliable (haha) Wikipedia, "Fluxus—a name taken from a Latin word meaning "to flow"—is an international network of artists, composers and designers noted for blending different artistic media and disciplines in the 1960s. They have been active in Neo-Dada Noise Music and visual art as well as literature, urban planning, architecture, and design. Fluxus is often described as intermedia, a term coined by Fluxus artist Dick Higgins in a famous 1966 essay.

Fluxus is about the blurring of the line between art and life. For our course, we were required to create some fluxus instructions. Below are my original thoughts. Please, someone act some of these out and let me know how it goes!

Check out "Learning to Love You More" for a really amazing project along the same lines.

Tree Hugger, A Fluxus Series

1. Tree Hugger
Hug a tree and hold it for 30 seconds. Take a picture of yourself hugging the tree. Do not let your day end without being the cause of someone else doing the same.

2. Waste Crusader
If you see rubbish on the sidewalk, in a public place, blowing by you in the wind, or anywhere else outside of a bin; throw it away. Repeat.

3. Environmental Avenger
If you see someone leaving their food waste on a table, ask them to throw it away. If they ask why they should do such a thing, tell them “because I said so.” See what happens. Act accordingly.

4. Hallelujah
When you see someone throw garbage in a bin, sing them high praises.

5. Sensitivity
Listen to the grass grow for a minimum of five minutes. Then, smell it.

6. Recycle

7. Reuse
Reuse an object for a purpose other than what it was created for. Repeat.

Picture taken from here.
Need tips on how to hug a tree? Read this.

Social Disorders, A Fluxus Series

1. Bob and Weave
If you see an extension or some other piece of hair on the ground, pick it up and tell the closest female she dropped it.

2. Sorry
When waiting in a large queue, line-jump to the front of the line and act like nothing happened.

3. Patience
Hold a door for someone approaching from a distance. When they get close (but not too close), let the door go and watch them scramble.

4. Love at First Sight
Stop a random person and tell them you love them.

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