The Lion Park is an enormous segmented outdoor enclosure housing all types of animals. You can see Lions, Cheetahs, and African Wild Dogs by driving around on the different dirt roads. All of the other animals are unfortunately caged in much smaller enclosures outside, but you do get to play with Lion cubs!

White Lions


Although it never hit full speed, it was faster and more agile than I could ever imagine.

object at the same time as the Cheetah.
The handler explained that the contestants only had to be faster than the slowest person.

Without horns it stands taller than me and probably weighs
at least 600 lbs,but has a vertical leap of something like 80"!

Saw several Warthogs in Botswana, always in the exact scenario you would imagine them...
Rolling around in the dirt, cloud of dust surrounding them, covered in mud.

Couldn't decide.

but it sure looks peculiar

the "Shit-Legged Stork" because....
well, you figure it out.

eats snakes

Making a soap opera about them is ridiculous.

Lion Cubs



I also could easily find ten different adjectives
to use in place of intriguing.

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